Storm of Steel – 1929 Revised Edition

Based on requests, a new edition of the 1929 translation of Storm of Steel. This fixes the countless typos, awkward phrases, and excessive britishisms. Nothing else was changed about the edition, all decisions were made to improve the reading experience and make it more in line with Creighton’s excellent translation of Copse 125.

Friedrich Georg Jünger – War and Technology

Translated by FD Wieck. Extras from The Failure of Technology – Perfection Without Purpose The outbreak of war is marked by self-deception. But when events go beyond the established boundaries, war begins to change consciousness. Obviously, the physical struggle caused this change in mentality. The returning soldier saw the new workshop in which they wereContinue reading “Friedrich Georg Jünger – War and Technology”

Prognoses for the 21st Century – Part One

The following is a late writing by Ernst Jünger, his prognoses for the century of return to the gods and overcoming the war of invisible forces. His insights are especially poignant given the theological turn, a clownish second-religiousness, and what may be the apex of nihilism descending towards a final clash. Translated by Bruno ZimmerContinue reading “Prognoses for the 21st Century – Part One”

On Being Wounded – Defence in Depth

“To survive the world war on the Western Front from start to finish, one of the lucky strokes was undoubtedly being wounded. The wound, which was neither too heavy nor too light, was one of the lucky wounds of the old warriors held in reserve by the great lottery of the war. It must notContinue reading “On Being Wounded – Defence in Depth”

Brutal Character and Reserved Decadence

“The same types who, as we can see, do not hesitate to expropriate, murder, alienate people’s property, show at the same time a remarkable timidity in the face of change in the musical world. In this way they cover up their weakness. There is an immediate language of freedom that is more dangerous than anyContinue reading “Brutal Character and Reserved Decadence”

On Chess

“The virtue of chess is that it is a more irrefutable demonstration of intellectual power than any other field, and this through a series of demonstrations that can only be challenged by other demonstrations – it is thus halfway between argumentation and strategic action. It differs from argument in that there is an unmistakable realityContinue reading “On Chess”

Chapter One of Visit to Godenholm

The sea was so calm that it barely rippled at the foot of the cliffs. Seabirds lay in flocks on the waves. It seemed that the melancholy, the decadence of the shore, took on a new depth at the sight of these dreamy squadrons – as if the emptiness was bound up in a knotContinue reading “Chapter One of Visit to Godenholm”

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